Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emmanuel Haven

So today I went to Emmanuel Haven- a community centre, clinic and hydoponic farm in a township called Motherwell. They're main focus is to take on the problem of HIV and aids in the community. Motherwell has roughly half a million people in it, of which around 40% have HIV/Aids. It was really amazing, the kind of place that makes you want to stop what you're doing and join their cause. The farm, feeds local patients of the community as well as creates employment, and sustains the community centre and clinic through their sales. They are currently supplying to mager companies within the country- so it is completely self sufficient.

They also have various adult learning facilities and are currently starting skills teaching in shoe making, something I really like about this is that all of their skill programs are 'incubator' programs, so that they can set people up for employment or their own businesses. I found that their outlook and approach was really interesting, and they also made me consider educational design- teaching the user about healthy habits. I also learnt some really interesting facts about farming on a large scale, as well as on a single houshold scale.

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