Sunday, November 8, 2009

Karma Primary School

Last week Thursday I went to visit Karma Primary School in New Brighton, one of South Africa's oldest townships. In comparison to rural schools it is doing very well. It survives on donations so they have varied facilities. I went in particular to look at the set up of the class rooms, which have roughly 40+ kids per class. They also have a small library and a IT room, though they cant get access to the internet because of theft in South Africa(people often steal the copper out of telephone wires). One of the other things I notice was that they had a shed to house cookers and food for the government's feeding program. This is a program that ensures that each student in rural and township schools have at least one good meal a day. After chatting to my uncle and seeing the set up up the classrooms, I think that looking into group learning and the design of desks to facilitate it is an area I might look into.

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